Ben E. C. Boyter's Blog

MySQL Error – Error:1356: View references invalid..
2010/10/14 (157 words)

I managed to get the following error the other day while helping migrate and upgrade some MySQL databases for a client.

mysqldump: Got error: 1356: View 'database.table' references
invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view
lack rights to use them when using LOCK TABLES

The above appeared anytime I tried to dump the database to a SQL file using mysqldump. Its actually one of the better errors I have seen come out of MySQL (which has pretty terrible error reporting most of the time) and tells you exactly what is going wrong. Essentially there is a old view in the the database that should be removed since its no longer valid and is throwing a compile exception.

Of course this isn’t useful most of the time and the workaround is to add the force command -f into the mysqldump command. This forces the database to dump everything anyway which is perfect for automated backups.