Ben E. C. Boyter's Blog

Link Love
2011/06/01 (187 words)

With the fall from grace of the TWiT podcast (less Dvorak and no Calacanis makes for boring shows) I went looking for new podcast’s to keep me entertained over the last couple of months. Here are a few that I highly recommend.

Tech Podcast TechZing Live

The boys from tech-zing are full of energy, always come up with new stuff and usually manage to do one thing technical each show that makes me want to scream with frustration. All in all good stuff. They also interviewed both Calacanis and Dvorak which were probably 2 of the better shows they did.


Leading on from the fact that Dvorak and Calacanis make for a good show X3 is quite the goods. Its basically Cranky Geeks reborn.

This Week In Start-ups

The whole “you ripped me off” thing aside TWIST is worth listening too. Not as tech heavy as I normally prefer in a podcast but quite good.

That’s all I have on my plate for the moment due to time constraints and that since I bought a Kindle I have spent more of my time reading these days.