UPDATE – This is now actually available as a real Golang import with tests. Get it at https://github.com/boyter/golangvectorspace
I have mentioned this before somewhere but one of the first things I usually attempt to implement in any programming language I want to play with is a vector space. Its my own personal FizzBuzz implementation. It usually covers everything I need to know in a language (imports, functions, string manipulation, math functions, iteration, maps etc…) so I consider it a good thing to get started with.
You can see my previous implementation in Python in a previous post.
Anyway I have been playing with Go recently. After skimming though the tutorials I thought I would give my standard test the vector space a go. The below is my implementation. It’s probably full of bugs and various other issues but seems to work alright for the few tests I tried.
package main
import (
func magnitude(con map[string]float64) float64 {
var total float64 = 0
for _, v := range con {
total = total + math.Pow(v, 2)
return math.Sqrt(total)
func concordance(document string) map[string]float64 {
var con map[string]float64
con = make(map[string]float64)
var words = strings.Split(strings.ToLower(document), " ")
for _, key := range words {
_, ok := con[key]
key = strings.Trim(key, " ")
if ok && key != "" {
con[key] = con[key] + 1
} else {
con[key] = 1
return con
func relation(con1 map[string]float64, con2 map[string]float64) float64 {
var topvalue float64 = 0
for name, count := range con1 {
_, ok := con2[name]
if ok {
topvalue = topvalue + (count * con2[name])
mag := magnitude(con1) * magnitude(con2)
if mag != 0 {
return topvalue / mag
} else {
return 0
func main() {
var con = concordance("this is a test of stuff yes stuff")
var con2 = concordance("This is a test")
fmt.Println(relation(con, con2))