Ben E. C. Boyter's Blog

Decoding CAPTCHA's Handbook
2015/08/25 (273 words)

Some time ago I wrote an article about Decoding CAPTCHA’s which has become what appears to be the first resource most people encounter when searching for information in the decoding CAPTCHA space.

I had continued to write about CAPTCHA’s over the years with posts scattered around the web. A while ago I started to consolidate all of my content on this blog and realised that I had considerably more CAPTCHA related articles then I thought. Some were in an unfinished or unpublished state. I had considered posting them all online but instead decided to polish it all up into a much better resource and publish it as a book.

The book is now online and available for sale. Its not what you would call a top seller but has produced enough sales to offset some hosting costs for the blog which was one goal. I also wanted to test the waters when trying to sell an info product. Info products according to Amy Hoy and Rob Walling are an excellent platform to start learning how to build recurring revenue online. Certainly one thing I have learnt is that something borderline unethical such as the book will never become a great seller. Simply put the audience is unlikely to convert to be a high sales business because of the shady nature of the content.

Anyway for those interested in purchasing a copy you can either visit the Decoding CAPTCHA’s page or use the below.

      <br /> <a style="font-weight:bold;" href="" target="_blank">Buy now using LeanPub</a><br />
      <br /> <a style="font-weight:bold;" href="" target="_blank">Buy now using Gumroad</a><br />