Ben E. C. Boyter's Blog

searchcode server
2015/12/29 (235 words)

A month or so ago I started collection emails on to determine if there was enough interest in a downloadable version of searchcode. The results were overwhelmingly positive. The email list grew far beyond what I would have expected, and this was in the first month. As such I have been working in this downloadable version of searchcode which will probably be called searchcode server.

Progress has been reasonably straight forward consider that is written using mostly Python and searchcode server is mostly Java. The main reason for choosing Java is that I really wanted searchcode server to be a self contained application which could be downloaded and run without the configuration and setup of additional services.

At present it is surprisingly workable. You can input repositories (git only at this point) to be indexed and after a short amount of time they will be searchable via the main interface. A few screenshots are included at the end of this post for those curious.

There is still time to sign up and be one of the first to receive access. Being on the sign up list will also give you a discount when it is actually released if you need something greater than the community edition. To register your interest use the form below, or visit the searchcode server product page.

This has been released and you can now get the actual product.