Ben E. C. Boyter's Blog

searchcode server under fair source
2016/08/24 (185 words)

A very quick blog today. I have released searchcode server under the fair source licence. This means that as of a few days ago you can view the source, change it modify it and run it as you see fit so long as you have less than 5 users.

The source is hosted on github (I may move this to GitLab sometime in the future) and you can view it here.

So what does this mean? Well the community edition still exists (run searchcode with as many users as you want) as do the paid versions with support and all the full features. The real advantage however is that you can now vet the source code to ensure that searchcode server is not secretly sending your most valuable asset to some hidden server somewhere. In addition it means I can now talk about the source openly and will be writing some posts about how I ran into some CPU branching issues which slowed down some code.

Good news all around then. Be sure to check out the source and let me know what you think.