So on occasion, I find myself wanting to run SQL against customer databases. Where this gets annoying is that because we are often in AWS using lambda I have no ability to connect to them. Occasionally im able to bully the friendly devops’ and security people to allow me access to a bastion host, which I can then connect to the SQL database.
However this is often a painful process if allowed at all, and so with permission I sometimes add a special route into the application allowing me to run arbitrary SQL as needed.
I thought this Go function worth keeping on my blog as something I can refer back to. Given a global database connection as DB
function will take in any query, run it against the database, and return it in a formatted way which you can then display to the user. I tend to just return it as plain text from a protected route.
It’s not perfect, but good enough for those situations where you just want a small bit of information from the database. Note it has an explicit rollback to prevent any data loss, but I wouldn’t trust my life to that and you can of course still run queries that slow down the database. As such use with caution.
package data
import "database/sql"
// EvilSql run whatever you want... not to be used for anything really... its sql injectable, but useful
// since it rolls back the transaction at the end, its sort of limited in what can be done, so not quite as
// evil as you would expect
func EvilSql(s string) (string, error) {
tx := DB.Begin()
rows, err := tx.Raw(s).Rows()
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Get column names
columns, err := rows.Columns()
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Make a slice for the values
values := make([]sql.RawBytes, len(columns))
// rows.Scan wants '[]interface{}' as an argument, so we must copy the
// references into such a slice
// See for details
scanArgs := make([]interface{}, len(values))
for i := range values {
scanArgs[i] = &values[i]
data := ""
// Fetch rows
for rows.Next() {
// get RawBytes from data
err = rows.Scan(scanArgs...)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// Now do something with the data.
// Here we just print each column as a string.
var value string
for i, col := range values {
// Here we can check if the value is nil (NULL value)
if col == nil {
value = "NULL"
} else {
value = string(col)
data += columns[i] + ": " + value + "\n"
data += "-----------------------------------\n"
// remove this because if we don't commit we can leave it open for the most part
return data, nil