Processing 40 TB of code from ~10 million projects with a dedicated server and Go for $100


I blog I free software github/boyter/ I run also on the twitter @boyter activitypub

Largest dataset: ~6PB
Largest table: 2+ trillion rows
Highest QPS: 70,000/s under a DDoS


What did I try?
What did I learn?
What worked?
The future?


Why would anyone in their right mind do this?


$ scc redis 
Language                 Files     Lines   Blanks  Comments     Code Complexity
C                          296    180267    20367     31679   128221      32548
C Header                   215     32362     3624      6968    21770       1636
TCL                        143     28959     3130      1784    24045       2340
Shell                       44      1658      222       326     1110        187
Autoconf                    22     10871     1038      1326     8507        953
Lua                         20       525       68        70      387         65
Markdown                    16      2595      683         0     1912          0
Makefile                    11      1363      262       125      976         59
Ruby                        10       795       78        78      639        116
gitignore                   10       162       16         0      146          0
YAML                         6       711       46         8      657          0
HTML                         5      9658     2928        12     6718          0
C++                          4       286       48        14      224         31
License                      4       100       20         0       80          0
Plain Text                   3       185       26         0      159          0
CMake                        2       214       43         3      168          4
CSS                          2       107       16         0       91          0
Python                       2       219       12         6      201         34
Systemd                      2        80        6         0       74          0
BASH                         1       118       14         5       99         31
Batch                        1        28        2         0       26          3
C++ Header                   1         9        1         3        5          0
Extensible Styleshe…         1        10        0         0       10          0
Smarty Template              1        44        1         0       43          5
m4                           1       562      116        53      393          0
Total                      823    271888    32767     42460   196661      38012
Estimated Cost to Develop (organic) $6,918,301
Estimated Schedule Effort (organic) 28.682292 months
Estimated People Required (organic) 21.428982
Processed 9425137 bytes, 9.425 megabytes (SI)

Attempt 1

Most common filenames?


Attempt 2

How many “pure” projects

Attempt 3



Attempt 4

Attempt 4

Attempt 4

Why Go?

Channels and Pipes

cat urllist.txt | xargs -P16 python

ch := make(chan string)

for i:=0; i<16; i++{
    go parse(ch)

for _, l := range urllist {
    ch <- l

Files in a repo 95%


Spinning rust...

Go again...

filesPerProject := map[int64]int64{}      // Number of files in each project in buckets IE projects with 10 files or projects with 2
projectsPerLanguage := map[string]int64{} // Number of projects which use a language
filesPerLanguage := map[string]int64{}    // Number of files per language
hasLicenceCount := map[string]int64{}     // Count of if a project has a licence file or not

fileNamesCount := map[string]int64{}                     // Count of filenames
fileNamesNoExtensionCount := map[string]int64{}          // Count of filenames without extensions
fileNamesNoExtensionLowercaseCount := map[string]int64{} // Count of filenames tolower and no extensions
complexityPerLanguage := map[string]int64{}              // Sum of complexity per language

commentsPerLanguage := map[string]int64{} // Sum of comments per language

sourceCount := map[string]int64{} // Count of each source github/bitbucket/gitlab

ymlOrYaml := map[string]int64{} // yaml or yml extension?

mostComplex := Largest{}                               // Holds details of the most complex file
mostComplexPerLanguage := map[string]Largest{}         // Most complex of each file type
mostComplexWeighted := Largest{}                       // Holds details of the most complex file weighted by lines NB useless because it only picks up minified files
mostComplexWeightedPerLanguage := map[string]Largest{} // Most complex of each file type weighted by lines
largest := Largest{}                                   // Holds details of the largest file in bytes
largestPerLanguage := map[string]Largest{}             // largest file per language
longest := Largest{}                                   // Holds details of the longest file in lines
longestPerLanguage := map[string]Largest{}             // longest file per language
mostCommented := Largest{}                             // Holds details of the most commented file in lines
mostCommentedPerLanguage := map[string]Largest{}       // most commented file per language

The Java FactoryFactory

not factory271,375,57497.9%

Raw Numbers

9,985,051 total repositories
9,100,083 repositories with at least 1 identified file
884,968 empty repositories (those with no files)
3,529,516,251 files in all repositories
40,736,530,379,778 bytes processed (40 TB)
1,086,723,618,560 lines identified
816,822,273,469 code lines identified
124,382,152,510 blank lines identified
145,519,192,581 comment lines identified
71,884,867,919 complexity count according to scc rules

Potty Mouth

language curse count %
C Header 7,660 0.001%
Java 7,023 0.002%
C 6,897 0.001%
PHP 5,713 0.002%
JavaScript 4,306 0.001%
Dart 1,533 0.191%

Lessons Learnt

Don't store lots of files in tmp
Don't use s3 at first...
Consider compression, suzh as zstd.
Keep results locally!
When CPU is high for a long time consider dedicated
Use --depth=1 for shallow git clones
Go works well as glue code

Dedicated server go brrr

Missing a license

The Future?

Keeping the URL properly...
Forget S3
Trie to store filenames (avoid lossy)
Use SQLite?
Latest version of scc
Determine maintainability**
Tabs vs Spaces
Don't store as JSON
Try bigquery?
Another language? Rust? Zig?

Thank you!