func Trigrams(text string) []string {
var runes = []rune(text)
if len(runes) <= 2 {
return []string{}
ngrams := make([]string, len(runes)-2)
for i := 0; i < len(runes); i++ {
if i+3 < len(runes)+1 {
ngram := runes[i : i+3]
ngrams[i] = string(ngram)
return ngrams
What is an index?
Structured list. Keys point at data so searches are faster.
Given a term, return id's which contain it.
Textbook 101 index
2 examples, positional and non-positional
package main
func main() {
// non-positional index
index := map[string][]int{}
index["gopher"] = append(index["gopher"], 1337)
// positional index
type pos struct {
id int // unique document id
loc []int // store document positions in posting list
posIndex := map[string][]pos{}
posIndex["gopher"] = append(posIndex["gopher"], pos{1337, []int{1, 2, 3, 99}})
Problem: Intersect two lists
Trigrams create LONG posting lists, need to skip list
For those wondering...
Problem 2
index := map[string][]int{} // this should be compressible right?
Shannon Elias Fano
index := map[string][]int{} // non-positional index
My attempt
Two turkeys taped together does not make an eagle.
How about bloom filters?
A.K.A Bitsliced signatures
Bloom filter: Empty
16 boolean's in an array
Bloom filter: Add
Hash the term 3 times and set the bits
Bloom filter: Add second
3 more bits set
Bloom filter: Add overlapping bits
"big" and "dog" share 2 bits
Bloom filter: Hit
hash "big" and check bits
Bloom filter: Miss
one bit position is 0 so miss
Bloom filter: False Positive
"big" and "yellow" supplied bits
Go Bloom Filter
package main
import (
func main() {
bloom := make([]bool, 16) // 16 bit bloom filter
hash := func(term string) uint64 { // single hash function for bloom filter
hsh := fnv.New64()
_, _ = hsh.Write([]byte(term))
return hsh.Sum64() % uint64(len(bloom))
bloom[hash("gopher")] = true // add to the filter
bloom[hash("sydney")] = true
for _, i := range bloom { // print out the filter
if i == true {
} else {
if bloom[hash("sydney")] == true { fmt.Print("\nprobably added") }
if bloom[hash("house")] == false { fmt.Print("\nwas not added") }
if bloom[hash("boyter")] == true { fmt.Print("\nfalse positive! was never added!") }
$ go run main.go
probably added
was not added
false positive! was never added!
Bloom filter: search
Check bit positions 1 and 7. Document 4 matches.
for each bloomfilter
for each bit
check if bit location in filter is set
if all matching bits are set
record possible match
Compressed. Only using several bits per term!
Very simple!!!!
No free lunch...
package main
import (
func main() {
memUsage := func() string {
var m runtime.MemStats
return fmt.Sprintf("%v MB", m.Alloc/1024/1024)
bigBloom := make([]bool, 100_000_000) // represents lots of bloom filters in memory
_ = len(bigBloom)
$ go run main.go
0 MB
95 MB
Problem 2
Generic RAM stick
Can we do better?
Good enough for Dan Luu? Good enough for you.
Rotate the filter. Documents now on columns not rows.
Fetch row 1 and 7 same as previous example
Logically & all rows
Pos 1 is true, so document 4 matches
This reduces the amount of RAM we need to access by a huge factor for larger bloom filters.
Pack the bits with bit set
Use int64's to hold the filters in columns, and flip bits starting right to left.
var bloomFilter []uint64
var bloomSize = 16
var currentBlockDocumentCount = 0
var currentBlockStartDocumentCount = 0
func Add(item []bool) error {
if currentBlockDocumentCount == 0 || currentBlockDocumentCount == 64 {
bloomFilter = append(bloomFilter, make([]uint64, bloomSize)...)
currentBlockDocumentCount = 0
currentBlockStartDocumentCount += bloomSize
for i, bit := range item {
if bit {
bloomFilter[currentBlockStartDocumentCount+i] |= 1 << currentBlockDocumentCount
return nil
16 bit bloom filter, with 32 documents added. Less wasted space.
// attempt to save/organise memory shrink lists...
out := make([]int64, len(bloomFilter))
copy(out, bloomFilter)
bloomFilter = out
Frequency Concious Bloom Filter
Rare terms need more hashes to reduce false positive rate
func (ci *CaissonIndex) DetermineHashCount(ngram string) int {
// version 0.1
// if nothing that indicates its a very rare term so it needs the most hashes
// so set that up as the default
hashCount := 5
v, ok := ci.termTreatments[ngram]
if ok {
weight := float64(v) / float64(ci.highestTermCount) * 100
if weight >= 10 {
hashCount = 1
} else if weight >= 5 {
hashCount = 2.5
} else if weight >= 2 {
hashCount = 3
} else if weight >= 1.5 {
hashCount = 4
return hashCount
Wasted time... For trigrams anyway
New algorithm is mind blowing.
func DetermineHashCount(ngram string) int {
return 2
Restrict Parallelism
Parallelism works... if you have CPU to spare
var sem = make(chan bool, 5) // counting semaphore
func doSearch() { // only 5 instances of this function can run
sem <- true
defer func() {
<- sem
// Do CPU/Memory intensive stuff here
The core loop.
func Search(queryBits []uint64) []int {
var results []int
var res uint64
for i := 0; i < len(bloomFilter); i += 2048 {
res = bloomFilter[queryBits[0]+uint64(i)]
for j := 1; j < len(queryBits); j++ {
res = res & bloomFilter[queryBits[j]+uint64(i)]
if res == 0 { // important! skip shard if nothing!
if res != 0 {
for j := 0; j < 64; j++ {
if res&(1<<j) > 0 {
results = append(results, 64*(i/2048)+j)
return results
Searching: Visually
Perform & between each row, and if we see 0 skip to next block
Final Result
Rolling average index search time: ~50ms
140,000,000 to 180,000,000 files - roughly 75 billion lines
Index rougly ~100GB RAM
Go. I doubt I could have done it in another language.
Bloomfilters + Trigrams works well. As far as I know this is globally unique. Nobody else I know uses this approach.