"Officially" technical lead/principal at Kablamo but a "code monkey" at heart.
I blog boyter.org code free software github/boyter/ I run searchcode.com also on the x.com @boyter activitypub @boyter@honk.boyter.org
Everything is there, so feel free to go to sleep
early termination, syntax highlighting, matching, snippet extraction, rate limiting, index, bot detection, ranking, distributed algorithms, caching, tokenization, string searching, regular expressions, data structures, line detection, duplicate detection, literal extraction, unicode, case insensitive matching etc...
Never do at runtime what you can do at compile time.
Compile the index INTO the lambda and deploy that
Brute Force
package main
func main() {
index := []string{
"Memcached vs Redis - More Different Than You Would Expect",
"You Don't Need a Library for File Walking in Go",
// ... 99,997 more ...
"Lessons Learnt Building for the Atlassian Marketplace",
for _, x := range index {
strings.Contains(x, "searchterm")
Several seconds per search...
Structured list. Keys point at data so searches are faster.
Given a term, return id's which contain it.
index = map[string][]int{
"serverless": []int{3,1337},
"days": []int{1,2,3,4,5,6,1337},
"brimful": []int{7,45},
"asha": []int{45},
not compressed, list walking can be slow
Two turkeys taped together does not make an eagle.
A.K.A Bitsliced signatures
16 boolean's in an array
Hash the term 3 times and set the bits
3 more bits set
"big" and "dog" share 2 bits
hash "big" and check bits
one bit position is 0 so miss
"big" and "yellow" supplied bits
8 bit bloom filter
Check bit positions 1 and 7. Document 4 matches.
for each bloomfilter
for each bit
check if bit location in filter is set
if all matching bits are set
record possible match
8x overhead per bit because of how languages work...
In theory; theory and practice are the same. In practice they arent.
Good enough for Dan Luu? Good enough for you.
Rotate the filter. Documents now on columns not rows.
Fetch row 1 and 7 same as previous example
Logically & all rows
Pos 1 is true, so document 4 matches
This reduces the amount of RAM we need to access by a huge factor for larger bloom filters.
16 bit bloom filter, with 32 documents added.
Filled right to left
Filter set to 2048 bits
50,000 * 2,048 = 102,400,000 ints
var bloomFilter = []uint64{1942, 1696, 1762, 496, 1776, 1954, 1970, 1536, 494, 134, 128, 1680, 0, 1536,
2016, 1952, 2047, 296, 1600, 1536, 0, 64, 1664, 1985, 2046, 2032, 1760, 1536, 416, 1536, 360, 1568, 256,
1920, 384, 0, 0, 1780, 1920, 1536, 256, 2032, 0, 1792, 1536, 1540, 1988, 0, 146, 1664, 2047, 288, 256, 1888,
256, 2011, 128, 1778, 1904, 354, 0, 200, 1952, 496, 1920, 403, 1687, 384, 128, 1600, 1664, 0, 1600, 1990, 1760,
1536, 256, 0, 0, 1664, 418, 1860, 1952, 256, 128, 162, 1736, 266, 64, 1922, 64, 1800, 0, 2003, 1920, 2016, 384,
// snip lots of integers here
1644, 1864, 1920, 64}
The core loop.
func Search(queryBits []uint64) []int {
var results []int
var res uint64
for i := 0; i < len(bloomFilter); i += 2048 {
res = bloomFilter[queryBits[0]+uint64(i)]
for j := 1; j < len(queryBits); j++ {
res = res & bloomFilter[queryBits[j]+uint64(i)]
if res == 0 { // important! skip shard if nothing!
if res != 0 {
for j := 0; j < 64; j++ {
if res&(1<<j) > 0 {
results = append(results, 64*(i/2048)+j)
return results
Perform & between each row, and if we see 0 skip to next block
~3 ms to run in lambda
Lists of top domains exist, just download 3 or 4 and merge.
for y in listOfUrls:
get y
"url": "https://engineering.kablamo.com.au/",
"title": [
"Kablamo Engineering Blog"
"h1": [
"Lessons Learnt Building for the Atlassian Marketplace",
"What I Wish I Knew About CSS When Starting Out As A Frontender",
"How to model application flows in React with finite state machines and XState"
"h2h3": [
"Our Partners"
"h4h5h6": null,
"content": [
"Insights from the Kablamo Team.",
"28.7.2021 - By Ben Boyter"
"rank": 0.65
Post query ranking + Pre ranking = happy user
// defaults for BM25 which provide a good level of damping
k1 := 1.2
b := 0.75
for word, wordCount := range res.matchWords {
freq := documentFrequencies[word]
tf := float64(wordCount) / words
idf := math.Log10(float64(corpusCount) / float64(freq))
step1 := idf * tf * (k1 + 1)
step2 := tf + k1*(1-b+(b*words/averageDocumentWords))
weight += step1 / step2
features, noble mien, and the report which was in general circulation within five minutes after his entrance, of his having ten thousand a year. The gentlemen pronounced him to be a fine
it. Dear, dear Lizzy. A house in town! Every thing that is charming! Three daughters married! Ten thousand a year! Oh, Lord! What will become of me. I shall go distracted.”
Problem solved.
2021-09-13T14:33:34.114+10:00 Duration: 142.89 ms Billed Duration: 143 ms
2021-09-13T14:34:26.427+10:00 Duration: 6.44 ms Billed Duration: 7 ms
2021-09-13T14:35:15.851+10:00 Duration: 3.40 ms Billed Duration: 4 ms
2021-09-13T14:35:28.738+10:00 Duration: 1.10 ms Billed Duration: 2 ms
2021-09-13T14:35:44.979+10:00 Duration: 6.11 ms Billed Duration: 7 ms
2021-09-13T14:36:15.089+10:00 Duration: 70.31 ms Billed Duration: 71 ms
Iterate the crawled documents
sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`var averageDocumentLength float64 = %d`, averageDocumentLength))
sb.WriteString(`var documentFrequencies = map[string]uint32{`)
for k, v := range newFreq {
sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\": %d,", k, v))
sb.WriteString("var bloomFilter = []uint64{")
for _, v := range bloom {
sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d,", v))
_, _ = file.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(`{Url:"%s",Title:"%s",Content:"%s",Score:%.4f},`,
Write out to content.go.1 content.go.2 etc...
for i in {1..1000}
cp ./content.go."$i" ./content.go
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o main &&
zip main.zip main &&
aws lambda create-function --function-name t"$i" --runtime go1.x --zip-file fileb://main.zip \
--handler main --timeout 10 --memory-size 1024 \
--role arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/aws-lambda-search-LambdaServiceRole-1NOLIFEIFREAD
aws lambda update-function-configuration --function-name aws-lambda-search-controller \
--environment '{"Variables": {"WORKERS": "t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10,t11,t12,t13,t14,t15,t16,t17,t18,t19,t20,t21,t22,t23,t24,t25,t26,t27,t28,t29,t30,t31,t32,t33,t34,t35,t36,t37,t38,t39,t40,t41,t42,t43,t44,t45,t46,t47,t48,t49,t50,t51,t52,t53,t54,t55,t56,t57,t58,t59,t60,t61,t62,t63,t64,t65,t66,t67,t68,t69,t70,t71,t72,t73,t74,t75,t76,t77,t78,t79,t80,t81,t82,t83,t84,t85,t86,t87,t88,t89,t90,t91,t92,t93,t94,t95,t96,t97,t98,t99,t100,t101,t102,t103,t104,t105,t106,t107,t108,t109,t110,t111,t112,t113,t114,t115,t116,t117,t118,t119,t120,t121,t122,t123,t124,t125,t126,t127,t128,t129,t130,t131,t132,t133,t134,t135,t136,t137,t138,t139,t140,t141,t142,t143,t144,t145,t146,t147,t148,t149,t150,t151,t152,t153,t154,t155,t156,t157,t158,t159,t160,t161,t162,t163,t164,t165,t166,t167,t168,t169,t170,t171,t172,t173,t174,t175,t176,t177,t178,t179,t180,t181,t182,t183,t184,t185,t186,t187,t188,t189,t190,t191,t192,t193,t194,t195,t196,t197,t198,t199,t200,t201,t202,t203,t204,t205,t206,t207,t208,t209,t210,t211,t212,t213,t214,t215,t216,t217,t218,t219,t220,t221,t222,t223,t224,t225,t226,t227,t228,t229,t230,t231,t232,t233,t234,t235,t236,t237,t238,t239,t240,t241,t242,t243,t244,t245,t246,t247,t248,t249,t250,t251,t252,t253,t254,t255,t256,t257,t258,t259,t260,t261,t262,t263,t264,t265,t266,t267,t268,t269,t270,t271,t272,t273,t274,t275,t276,t277,t278,t279,t280,t281,t282,t283,t284,t285,t286,t287,t288,t289,t290,t291,t292,t293,t294,t295,t296,t297,t298,t299,t300,t301,t302,t303,t304,t305,t306,t307,t308,t309,t310,t311,t312,t313,t314,t315,t316,t317,t318,t319,t320,t321,t322,t323,t324,t325,t326,t327,t328,t329,t330,t331,t332,t333,t334,t335,t336,t337,t338,t339,t340,t341,t342,t343,t344,t345,t346,t347,t348,t349,t350,t351,t352,t353,t354,t355,t356,t357,t358,t359,t360,t361,t362,t363,t364,t365,t366,t367,t368,t369,t370,t371,t372,t373,t374,t375,t376,t377,t378,t379,t380,t381,t382,t383,t384,t385,t386,t387,t388,t389,t390,t391,t392,t393,t394,t395,t396,t397,t398,t399,t400,t401,t402,t403,t404,t405,t406,t407,t408,t409,t410,t411,t412,t413,t414,t415,t416,t417,t418,t419,t420,t421,t422,t423,t424,t425,t426,t427,t428,t429,t430,t431,t432,t433,t434,t435,t436,t437,t438,t439,t440,t441,t442,t443,t444,t445,t446,t447,t448,t449,t450,t451,t452,t453,t454,t455,t456,t457,t458,t459,t460,t461,t462,t463,t464,t465,t466,t467,t468,t469,t470,t471,t472,t473,t474,t475,t476,t477,t478,t479,t480,t481,t482,t483,t484,t485,t486,t487,t488,t489,t490,t491,t492,t493,t494,t495,t496,t497,t498,t499,t500,t501,t502,t503,t504,t505,t506,t507,t508,t509,t510,t511,t512,t513,t514,t515,t516,t517,t518,t519,t520,t521,t522,t523,t524,t525,t526,t527,t528,t529,t530,t531,t532,t533,t534,t535,t536,t537,t538,t539,t540,t541,t542,t543,t544,t545,t546,t547,t548,t549,t550,t551,t552,t553,t554,t555,t556,t557,t558,t559,t560,t561,t562,t563,t564,t565,t566,t567,t568,t569,t570,t571,t572,t573,t574,t575,t576,t577,t578,t579,t580,t581,t582,t583,t584,t585,t586,t587,t588,t589,t590,t591,t592,t593,t594,t595,t596,t597,t598,t599,t600,t601,t602,t603,t604,t605,t606,t607,t608,t609,t610,t611,t612,t613,t614,t615,t616,t617,t618,t619,t620,t621,t622,t623,t624,t625,t626,t627,t628,t629,t630,t631,t632,t633,t634,t635,t636,t637,t638,t639,t640,t641,t642,t643,t644,t645,t646,t647,t648,t649,t650,t651,t652,t653,t654,t655,t656,t657,t658,t659,t660,t661,t662,t663,t664,t665,t666,t667,t668,t669,t670,t671,t672,t673,t674,t675,t676,t677,t678,t679,t680,t681,t682,t683,t684,t685,t686,t687,t688,t689,t690,t691,t692,t693,t694,t695,t696,t697,t698,t699,t700,t701,t702,t703,t704,t705,t706,t707,t708,t709,t710,t711,t712,t713,t714,t715,t716,t717,t718,t719,t720,t721,t722,t723,t724,t725,t726,t727,t728,t729,t730,t731,t732,t733,t734,t735,t736,t737,t738,t739,t740,t741,t742,t743,t744,t745,t746,t747,t748,t749,t750,t751,t752,t753,t754,t755,t756,t757,t758,t759,t760,t761,t762,t763,t764,t765,t766,t767,t768,t769,t770,t771,t772,t773,t774,t775,t776,t777,t778,t779,t780,t781,t782,t783,t784,t785,t786,t787,t788,t789,t790,t791,t792,t793,t794,t795,t796,t797,t798,t799,t800"}}'
What is the sound of 1000 lambdas searching themselves?
Go. I doubt I could have done it in another language.
Bloom filters are great!
AWS is ripe for abuse like this, DO IT!
AMD64 vs ARM64
A minimal version of the bloom filter index is available for you to play with https://github.com/boyter/indexer