A few of the talks I have given and the slide desks are included below.
- Python @ searchcode.com sypy_searchcode.key (keynote) sypy_searchcode (powerpoint)
- Decoding CAPTCHA’s for Fun and Profit DecodingCaptchas Reveal.js (futher details can be found http://www.boyter.org/2015/03/decoding-captchas-presentation/)
- How AWS and Go Transformed a Public Broadcaster https://boyter.org/static/aws-go-archive-presso/
- Sloc Cloc and Code - Can a crusty Go program outperform a well written Rust Project? https://boyter.org/static/gophercon-syd-presentation/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jd-sjoy3GZo
- DataEngBytes 2023 - Processing 40 TB of code from ~10 million projects with a dedicated server and Go for $100 https://boyter.org/static/dataenbytes2023/
- GopherCon 2023 - Bloom Filters: Building a Cutting Edge Go Search Engine to Explore the World’s Source Code https://boyter.org/static/gophercon-syd-presentation-2023/