- 2025/03/12 Vibe coding searchcode a new UI and saving myself 40+ hours of work
- 2025/02/16 searchcode.com’s SQLite database is probably 6 terabytes bigger than yours
- 2025/01/12 Simple Go Cache
- 2024/12/08 Disable Slog Messages in Go Tests
- 2024/11/20 Bloom Filters and SQLite
- 2024/09/05 scc vs stto a code counter head to head
- 2024/05/20 ServerlessDays ANZ 2024 - All slides, notes and links
- 2024/05/01 Sloc Cloc and Code - ULOC Unique Lines of Code
- 2024/04/23 One hundred million little queries
- 2024/04/04 Resolve "database is locked" with Go and SQLite
- 2024/03/27 Brute force text search optimizations
- 2024/03/07 Installing direnv on macOS
- 2024/01/31 Supporting scc and my other free software tools
- 2023/12/13 Go Libraries/Packages I Like
- 2023/12/10 We don't need no stinking bastion host!
- 2023/11/09 GopherConSyd 2023 - All slides, notes and links
- 2023/09/28 Publishing my first game using pico-8
- 2023/08/26 DataEngBytes 2023
- 2023/08/07 Walk code repositories respecting .gitignore files in Go
- 2023/06/06 Code Spelunker how it works
- 2023/06/05 Code Spelunker a Code Search Command Line Tool
- 2023/05/16 How to start a Go project in 2023
- 2023/04/12 Real World CPU profiling of ngram/trigram tokenization in Go to reduce index time in searchcode.com
- 2023/04/11 Deduplicate a slice in Go, use sort or a map?
- 2023/03/13 How to implement Go Channels in Java
- 2023/01/23 ActivityPub -> Announce -> Post
- 2022/12/28 Explore the fediverse, but use block like it's a machine gun in a zombie apocalypse
- 2022/11/22 Building a custom code search index in Go for searchcode.com
- 2022/11/07 Elite speak GUID script
- 2022/09/28 Go install loop. The "clang" command requires the command line developer tools.
- 2022/09/09 Decompiling Java, Excel and the Vista TCP/IP stack
- 2022/08/29 Some of the more annoying Go bugs I have dealt with
- 2022/08/22 Cost of a integer cast in Go
- 2022/07/21 If you succeed, you will fail
- 2022/07/17 AWS Abusing Search Engine Gets Abused
- 2022/06/26 Search index implementations
- 2022/04/25 Testing and Running Go API GW Lambda's Locally
- 2022/02/10 The Most Incompetent Person I Ever Worked With
- 2022/02/03 Installing voice2json on Ubuntu
- 2022/02/01 Resurrecting Bogan Ipsum
- 2021/11/24 Development Practices
- 2021/10/20 Moving a MySQL/MariaDB database between servers using SSH
- 2021/09/14 Abusing AWS Lambda to make an Aussie Search Engine
- 2021/08/23 The National Broadband Network - A Real Ending
- 2021/08/09 Upgrading my old desktop
- 2021/07/19 Interesting Go Memory Issue
- 2021/06/07 Useful bootstrap checklist for Go Projects
- 2021/01/03 Intern interview questions
- 2020/12/10 Bloom Filters - Much, much more than a space efficient hashmap!
- 2020/11/12 My First PC
- 2020/09/30 Faster Literal String Matching in Go
- 2020/08/02 Stay Safe on the Road
- 2020/07/14 The National Broadband Network (NBN) A Massive Dissapointment
- 2020/06/14 Unicode support. What does that actually mean? 😃
- 2020/05/04 Building a API rate limiter in Go for searchcode
- 2020/04/22 searchcode Rebuilt with Go
- 2019/11/04 The Three F's of Open Source Development
- 2019/10/31 Sloc Cloc and Code - Can a crusty Go program outperform a well written Rust Project?
- 2019/10/12 Elasticsearch mappings - How to add Facets and Aggregations
- 2019/10/10 How Elasticsearch Stores Documents
- 2019/10/09 My list of useful command line tools
- 2019/09/30 Processing 40 TB of code from ~10 million projects with a dedicated server and Go for $100
- 2019/07/03 How AWS and Go Transformed a Public Broadcaster
- 2019/06/27 Sloc Cloc and Code Badges for Github/Bitbucket/Gitlab
- 2019/06/19 A really cheap chatbot in Python
- 2019/06/11 How good does the Monaro look
- 2019/06/10 A non-gamers attempt at Sea of Thieves
- 2019/05/08 Processing Large Files – Java, Go and 'hitting the wall'
- 2019/04/16 Developer Empowerment - Move fast, don't break things (for long), be productive
- 2019/04/04 Media Clipping using ffmpeg and Cache Eviction 2 Random for Disk Caching at Scale
- 2019/03/14 My Personal Complaints about Programming in Go
- 2019/02/24 Learn Enough tmux to be Productive in 5 Minutes
- 2019/02/21 Why I Turned Down My Silicon Valley Dream Offer
- 2019/01/22 Use Go to Restore Glacier to S3
- 2019/01/09 Sloc Cloc and Code a Performance Update
- 2019/01/06 Trimming the fat from a Golang binary
- 2018/11/27 Expert Excuses for Not Writing Unit Tests
- 2018/11/25 Types of Development
- 2018/10/28 Generating Harry Potter Spell Names and Kelewan House Names
- 2018/09/19 Sloc Cloc and Code Revisited - Optimizing an already fast Go application
- 2018/08/28 Sloc Cloc and Code Revisited - A focus on accuracy
- 2018/08/20 Reading files quickly in Rust
- 2018/06/11 Why count lines of code?
- 2018/05/24 How to add multiple tags to a Go struct
- 2018/05/10 How to start a Go project in 2018
- 2018/04/23 Python SimpleHTTPServer to serve a directory
- 2018/04/16 Sloc Cloc and Code - What happened on the way to faster Cloc
- 2018/03/11 A quick comparison between different Go file walk implementations
- 2018/03/08 Collection of my favorite optimization posts and articles
- 2018/03/01 Licensechecker. A command line application which identifies what software license things are under
- 2017/12/18 Simply encrypt or decrypt a string using Boto3 Python and AWS KMS
- 2017/12/05 searchcode plexus
- 2017/10/17 BBQ with a Dutch ICT/start up Delegation
- 2017/09/09 Working with Rust
- 2017/06/27 Design for searchcode server
- 2017/06/14 Home Battery Systems – You may de-rate system capacity
- 2017/05/08 How to identify software licenses using Python, Vector Space Search and Ngram Keywords
- 2017/03/30 Why is this GoLang solution faster than the equivalent Java Solution?
- 2017/02/12 Setup up ConcourseCI 2.6.0 behind Nginx with Self Signed Certificates on Ubuntu 16.04
- 2017/01/30 Repository overview now in searchcode server
- 2016/11/11 Sphinx Real Time Index How to Distribute and Hidden Gotcha
- 2016/10/26 Explaining VarnishHist – What Does it Tell Us
- 2016/10/26 MySQL Dump Without Impacting Queries
- 2016/09/08 To all Companies Currently Recruiting
- 2016/08/29 GPL Time-bomb an interesting approach to #FOSS licensing
- 2016/08/24 searchcode server under fair source
- 2016/08/23 The Worst Individual I Ever Worked With
- 2016/08/17 Types of Testing in Software Engineering
- 2016/08/04 Syncing Stash/BitBucket with searchcode server
- 2016/08/01 Python Fabric: Getting File from Host as String
- 2016/07/28 searchcode.com: The Architecture – migration 3.0
- 2016/07/21 How to Hide Methods From Fabric Task Listing
- 2016/07/20 Python Fabric How to Show or List All Available Tasks
- 2016/07/19 Set Ubuntu Linux Swapfile Using Python Fabric
- 2016/07/18 Python Fabric Set Host List at Runtime
- 2016/07/02 What is Chaos Testing / Engineering
- 2016/04/22 A Collection of O'rly book Covers
- 2016/03/31 searchcode server released
- 2015/12/29 searchcode server
- 2015/12/26 Pi-Hole for Ubuntu 14.04
- 2015/10/30 searchcode local
- 2015/09/02 Go Forth and Search
- 2015/09/01 Exporting Documents from KnowledgeTree
- 2015/08/25 Decoding CAPTCHA's Handbook
- 2015/08/18 Running three hours of Ruby tests in under three minutes
- 2015/08/10 A Culture of Quality
- 2015/08/05 C# as a Language from old Google+ Post
- 2015/07/27 A/B Testing
- 2015/07/21 Five ways to avoid and control flaky tests
- 2015/07/20 Why Does Software Contain Bugs?
- 2015/07/17 searchcode the path to profitability
- 2015/07/16 The benefit of testing for Developers, Managers and the Business
- 2015/07/10 AWS EC2 Instance Types to Use as Test Agents
- 2015/07/08 Issues with Google's Bug Prediction Algorithm
- 2015/07/06 What is Usability Testing?
- 2015/07/05 Mutation Testing or How to Test Tests
- 2015/07/04 Who is Responsible for Software Quality?
- 2015/07/04 Talks
- 2015/07/03 A story about Hubris and Integration Tests
- 2015/07/01 How searchcode.com is Unit and Integration Tested
- 2015/06/30 Flaky Tests
- 2015/06/30 Clean Testable Repository Data Access in C Sharp
- 2015/06/29 The Unsung Benefits of Software Testing
- 2015/06/28 Testing In Software Engineering
- 2015/06/28 Grouping Tests: Unit/Integration vs Fast/Slow Tests
- 2015/06/28 Sanity Testing
- 2015/04/14 Filetree Listing
- 2015/03/18 Updates to searchcode.com
- 2015/03/08 Decoding Captcha's Presentation
- 2015/02/19 C# XML Cleaner Regex
- 2015/02/15 Regular Expressions are Fast, Until they Aren't
- 2015/01/30 Rebound Project
- 2014/12/07 Portfold: Topic Research Software
- 2014/10/10 Why searchcode.com isn't 100% free software
- 2014/08/11 Interesting Code Comment
- 2014/07/28 Feedback Loop
- 2014/07/19 What is special about DDG
- 2014/07/08 YourStory Interview
- 2014/06/20 Sphinx and searchcode
- 2014/06/19 Estimating Sphinx Search RAM Requirements
- 2014/06/16 searchcode next
- 2014/06/09 Chatbot Nonsense
- 2014/05/28 Not so unique GUID
- 2014/05/07 Implementing C# Linq Distinct on Custom Object List
- 2014/04/13 Installing Phindex
- 2014/04/02 More interview snippets….
- 2014/04/01 Another day another interview…
- 2014/03/26 searchcode screenshot
- 2014/02/28 Sample Coding Test
- 2014/02/21 Bitcoin Clones use Same Network?
- 2014/02/13 Python pep8 git commit check
- 2014/02/12 Regarding the Zombie Apocalypse
- 2014/02/10 New searchcode Logo
- 2014/02/08 The worst program I ever worked on
- 2014/02/07 Why you should never ask permission to clean up code
- 2014/02/06 Why is storing, tracking and managing billions of tiny files directly on a file system a nightmare?
- 2014/02/05 Counter-counter argument TDD
- 2014/02/04 China Trip 3
- 2014/02/04 China Trip 2
- 2014/02/04 China Trip
- 2014/02/04 Can anyone explain how this regex [ -~] matches ASCII characters?
- 2013/12/06 Quora answer about writing a search engine
- 2013/09/16 Introducing SingleBugs the Bug Tracker for Single Developers
- 2013/09/06 The Fizzbuzz Bug Tracker A Bug Tracker for Single Developers
- 2013/09/03 Collection of Letters for Neural Network OCR Training
- 2013/08/27 Saving Resources for Humans in PHP
- 2013/08/13 C# Vector Space Implementation
- 2013/08/12 GoLang Vector Space Implementation
- 2013/07/31 Clean Repository Data Access in C#
- 2013/07/29 Gigablast Aquired and Code Posted
- 2013/07/18 List of useful CAPTCHA Decoding Articles
- 2013/07/11 About
- 2013/07/11 Decoding CAPTCHA’s
- 2013/04/16 Building a Search Result Extract Generator in PHP
- 2013/02/28 Why Code Search is Difficult
- 2013/01/30 Want to write a search engine? Have some links
- 2013/01/10 Code a Search Engine in PHP Part 5
- 2013/01/10 Code a Search Engine in PHP Part 4
- 2013/01/10 Code a Search Engine in PHP Part 3
- 2013/01/10 Code a Search Engine in PHP Part 2
- 2013/01/10 Code a Search Engine in PHP Part 1
- 2012/12/03 Variety of Updates
- 2012/11/15 Building a search engine? The most important feature you can add.
- 2012/10/12 Updates in the Works
- 2012/07/16 Billions of lines of code
- 2012/06/26 Codesearch API
- 2012/05/29 Running the Numbers
- 2012/05/13 Who Knows Regex
- 2012/05/01 Expanded Syntax lang Keyword Now Supported
- 2012/04/13 Growing Index
- 2012/04/12 Performance
- 2012/02/29 Improving the Index
- 2012/02/06 Growing Pains
- 2012/01/13 Updates Coming Soon
- 2012/01/06 Mutation Tester for All Languages
- 2012/01/04 Errors in Search
- 2011/12/17 searchcode now supports regex code search
- 2011/11/28 Wildcards
- 2011/10/18 Hello World Collection
- 2011/10/17 Underscore.js joins the party
- 2011/10/15 Google Killing off Code Search
- 2011/10/10 Coverage
- 2011/09/06 Slow
- 2011/08/04 Hard Numbers
- 2011/06/28 Vector Space Search Model Explained
- 2011/06/07 Grep Match a Tab
- 2011/06/06 Clojure 1.3 Now Avaliable
- 2011/06/01 Link Love
- 2011/05/20 Nginx HttpCoreModule Documentation
- 2011/04/15 jQuery Hello World Plugin
- 2011/04/13 jQuery Documention Now Avaliable
- 2011/03/30 How I store Enumerations in the Database
- 2011/03/28 Lesson Learnt – Save Assets
- 2011/03/20 iOS Documention Now Available
- 2011/03/17 Lorem Ipsum Word Generation
- 2011/03/15 List of Most Commonly Used PHP Functions
- 2011/03/14 List of MySQL, SQL Server 2008 and Apache Directives
- 2011/03/14 List of all GNU/Linux and Windows Commands
- 2011/03/07 BATF – Big Arse Text File
- 2011/02/28 Using wget and xargs
- 2011/02/14 MySQL Export to CSV
- 2011/01/27 MySQL Command Line Import UTF-8
- 2010/12/24 MySQL Popularity Ranking Algorithm
- 2010/11/03 The Web is Bigger Then You Think
- 2010/10/17 Minimum Viable Product MVP
- 2010/10/14 MySQL Error – Error:1356: View references invalid..
- 2010/10/13 Startupcamp Opinions
- 2010/09/29 Python Snippet
- 2010/09/20 How Cuil got $33 million in funding?
- 2010/09/15 PHP Entity Generator
- 2010/09/12 Google's “Colossus”
- 2010/09/06 First Failure at Selling an Application Online
- 2010/09/05 Small Steps 2 – Teaching a Neural Network to Learn the Letter A from B-Z
- 2010/08/31 Small Steps 1 – Teaching a Neural Network to Learn the Letter A from B
- 2010/08/25 Always Go To First Principles
- 2010/08/23 Building a Vector Space Indexing Engine in Python
- 2010/08/18 Why CAPTCHA's Never Use Number's 0 1 5 7
- 2010/08/18 Setting up GIT to use a Subversion (SVN) style workflow
- 2010/08/16 Why You Shouldn't roll your own CAPTCHA
- 2010/08/15 MySQL Backups Done Easily
- 2010/08/11 Richard Stallman to visit Australia
- 2010/08/11 At Scale You Will Hit Every Performance Issue
- 2010/08/07 Examples of Bad Website Search
- 2010/08/06 Test Driven Development
- 2010/08/05 Why Writing a Web Crawler isn't Easy
- 2010/08/04 MySQL Exporting All Databases
- 2010/08/03 PHP Bug Trackers
- 2010/08/02 Launched. Somewhat.
- 2009/08/19 Impressed
- 2009/06/04 Interface Vs Inheritance
- 2009/03/26 On LINQ
- 2009/01/28 How will a Athlon 64 PC with 512 of ram hold up as a home server?
- 2008/09/22 Data Mining
- 2008/02/26 SQL For Fun!?